2 Girls Who Love Affiliate Marketing

Two girls who have bought a lot of the online and internet marketing course on how to make a lot of money and how to become a successful affiliate marketeer. We'll let you know what worked for us and why. And believe me, we've seen a lot.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Eeek, he just sent out an email saying it's going to close TOMORROW night, the 9th.
The syllabus is:

==> The Empty Box Principle
(Once this is released will redefine
the way people look at and talk about
Internet businesses. This one is powerful!)
==> The Experience Factor
(How to get to the next level in
your business, or any area of
your life and get the same results
that even the most successful
people are getting too.)
==> The 3 Groups
(Which group do you fit into...
Are you in the wrong one right now,
trying to fit a square beg in the
round hole?)
==> The 90% Rule
(90% of your success will come
from this, 10% from something else.
Discover exactly what that 90% is
and how to use it.)
==> A.R.P.
(The easiest, fastest and surest
way to create instant and long term
results in your business. Just this
one item alone may be responsible
for the 10 M goal.)
==> Email List Building
(Build fast, targeted, profitable
highly responsive loyal lists.
The cornerstone of any successful
online business.)
==> Why branding IS important
(What separates small-timers from
the big players in any niche market?
A subtle shift is all it takes.)
==> Getting Organized
(How to get more done in less time and
remain sane while loving what you do.)
==> Email in-box nightmare
(Its time to tame that email beast
that resides on your computer.
This will save hours a week, even
a day and simplify your life.)
==> Traffic
(How to get it starting off, grow
it over time, keep it coming
month and month, AND convert it
into subscribers and customers.)
==> How to *properly* profit from your list
(This should be a $500 training just
by itself. Walks you through everything
you ever wanted to know about turning
your list into obscene profits.)
==> Backend Sales
(Where the real money is made.
Comprehensive training on how to
properly maximize this in your business)
==> Real-Life Case Studies showing you
every thing in action at real sites
in other niche markets.
==> And before I forget...
The ultimate, HUGE big payday that
anybody can get with any business.
This one you definitely can't miss
out learning and using for yourself.

So, sign up at


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